When Cricket Wireless needed an over-the-top audience engagement promotion, their experiential agency came to Bigger Than Life to turn their concept into reality! Working with concepts provided by their agancy, Bigger Than Life worked hand-in-hand with their them to design […]

January 16, 2017|Blog|

Top 10 Reasons To Use Inflatables For Event Marketing

Inflatables make your customer FEEL GOOD Inflatables cost pennies per impression – INEXPENSIVE compared to other media Inflatables generate intimidate IMAGE RECOGNITION and BRAND AWARENESS Inflatables are ENGAGING and EYE-CATCHING Inflatables act as GUIDE POSTS, tying in other advertising media […]

July 6, 2016|Blog|

Giant Inflatable Terminology: What You Need to Know

A larger-than-life, realistic replica of a product, person, character, logo, or symbol, constructed from machine-sewn vinyl coated nylon. Giant Advertising Inflatables are inflated and kept firm by a 110-volt electric fan/blower, using cold forced-air pressure. COLD AIR INFLATABLES An inflatable […]

November 20, 2015|Blog|
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